ABC Aerials in Exeter

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Customer Testimonials

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Customer Testimonial

Name : Ray Lyford

Date : 13 Mar 2012

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes

How did you find out about us ? Internet

Were we neat and tidy ? Very tidy...

Were you pleased with our service ? I had to wait almost 2 years for the phone company to agree to pay to fix the antenna they chopped down. abc aerials came along and fixed me up with a new installation in less than and hour. great stuff

Would you use us again ? Yes

Would you recommend us ? I would recommend abc to anyone.arrived on time. did the job then tidied up after. the g5rv is not the normal run of the mill antenna but they got it sorted with no problems.this is the 3rd time i have used abc and they have always done a great job..

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Mat

Date : 13 Mar 2012

Were we easy to get hold of ? Very easy to get hold of.

How did you find out about us ? search.

Were we neat and tidy ? Internet search.

Were you pleased with our service ? Very please with every aspect of service.

Would you use us again ? Absolutely.

Would you recommend us ? I will and already have recommended you highly. tradesmen like abc aerials are rare. extremely helpful, fast, efficient and friendly.

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Mat

Date : 09 Mar 2012

Were we easy to get hold of ? Very easy to get hold of.

How did you find out about us ? Internet search.

Were we neat and tidy ? Extremely neat and tidy with attention to detail.

Were you pleased with our service ? Very pleased with every aspect of service.

Would you use us again ? Absolutely.

Would you recommend us ? will and already have recommended you highly. tradesmen like abc aerials are rare. extremely helpful, fast, efficient and friendly.

How do you rate us overall ?

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