ABC Aerials in Exeter

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Customer Testimonials

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Customer Testimonial

Name : Rhiannon Cox

Date : 23 Feb 2016

Were we easy to get hold of ? Very, i left a voicemail and peter phoned me straight back

How did you find out about us ? Recommendation

Were we neat and tidy ? Very.

Were you pleased with our service ? Incredibly happy

Would you use us again ? Definitely

Would you recommend us ? Definitely

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Deborah

Date : 15 Feb 2016

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes, only a phone call away, quick to get a quote and to get the work completed.

How did you find out about us ? Used the internet and liked the website

Were we neat and tidy ? No complaints.

Were you pleased with our service ? Extremely happy, very polite and efficient.

Would you use us again ? Used for a rental property, would definitely use again.

Would you recommend us ? I would

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Malcolm

Date : 21 Dec 2015

Were we easy to get hold of ? Very

How did you find out about us ? Website

Were we neat and tidy ? Yes

Were you pleased with our service ? Very helpful firm

Would you use us again ? Yes

Would you recommend us ? Already have

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Julie Dunn And Jon Massey

Date : 26 Nov 2015

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes

How did you find out about us ? Recommendation

Were we neat and tidy ? Exceptionally neat and tidy

Were you pleased with our service ? Exceeded expectations

Would you use us again ? Without hesitation

Would you recommend us ? Absolutely

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Paul Ricketts

Date : 13 Nov 2015

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes sent a message and replied within the hour

How did you find out about us ? Have done previous work for me

Were we neat and tidy ? Extremely even took their boots off when in the house

Were you pleased with our service ? Always

Would you use us again ? Definitely i wouldnt use anyone else

Would you recommend us ? Yes the quality of work speaks for itself

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Emily Young

Date : 15 Aug 2015

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yep, quick email and peter responded straight away - even though i sent it on a weekend!

How did you find out about us ? Devon approved traders listings

Were we neat and tidy ? Super neat and tidy, collected any brick dust on a sheet of paper and disposed of it neatly.

Were you pleased with our service ? Absolutely! not only were you very friendly and pleasant to talk to, you made sure everything was perfectly set up on my tv itself, even going so far as to adjust the picture settings on the tv to give the best hd experience :)

Would you use us again ? If i ever need any more work done, i will certainly come to you guys first.

Would you recommend us ? Definitely. professional, friendly, experienced, what\

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Hilary Weatherley

Date : 11 Aug 2015

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes

How did you find out about us ? Previous customer

Were we neat and tidy ? Yes

Were you pleased with our service ? Yes

Would you use us again ? Yes

Would you recommend us ? Yes. brilliant service. always has been. problem sorted in minutes. super.

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Peter Brotherton

Date : 23 Jul 2015

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes

How did you find out about us ? On line seearch

Were we neat and tidy ? Very, care taken to treat holes left when existing equipment removed. spent time tidying up existing loose wiring.

Were you pleased with our service ? Prompt, thoughtful, knowledgeable and careful service

Would you use us again ? Very definitely yes

Would you recommend us ? I certainly would do so.

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : James Bingham

Date : 06 Apr 2015

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes

How did you find out about us ? Building company let me know details as another aerial company let me down

Were we neat and tidy ? Yes

Were you pleased with our service ? Extremely pleased with service within two days i had an aerial and tv points installed

Would you use us again ? Definately

Would you recommend us ? Without a doubt, a very professional company with great customer service

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : The Turf

Website :

Date : 03 Mar 2015

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes

How did you find out about us ? Recommended

Were we neat and tidy ? Yes

Were you pleased with our service ? Yes

Would you use us again ? Certainly

Would you recommend us ? Yes

How do you rate us overall ?

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