ABC Aerials in Exeter

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Customer Testimonials

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Customer Testimonial

Name : Warren Thorne

Date : 22 Jun 2017

Were we easy to get hold of ? Very Easy

How did you find out about us ? Exitsing Customer And Web Site

Were we neat and tidy ? Very - Works Was Excellent!

Were you pleased with our service ? Very Please - We Knew That Abc Aerials Do A Fantasic Job And You Did Again.

Would you use us again ? Very Please - We Knew That Abc Aerials Do A Fantasic Job And You Did Again.

Would you recommend us ? Already Have.

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Jon King

Date : 12 Jun 2017

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes

How did you find out about us ? Referral

Were we neat and tidy ? Yes, Very

Were you pleased with our service ? Absolutely Top Draw

Would you use us again ? Absolutely Top Draw

Would you recommend us ? Most Definitely

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Anon Crediton

Date : 09 Jun 2017

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes

How did you find out about us ? Google

Were we neat and tidy ? Yes

Were you pleased with our service ? Extremely Pleased

Would you use us again ? Extremely Pleased

Would you recommend us ? Yes, Absolutely

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Philip Marsh

Date : 05 Jun 2017

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes Very Easy To Get Hold Of And Super Responsive

How did you find out about us ? Through A-plan Electrical

Were we neat and tidy ? Yes Very

Were you pleased with our service ? Yes Absolutely

Would you use us again ? Yes Absolutely

Would you recommend us ? Yes For Sure

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : John Broomhead

Date : 14 Mar 2017

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes

How did you find out about us ? Recommendation

Were we neat and tidy ? Yes

Were you pleased with our service ? Yes

Would you use us again ? Yes

Would you recommend us ? Yes

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Sue & Bob Woods

Date : 23 Feb 2017

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes

How did you find out about us ? Recommendation And Reputation As Being The Best

Were we neat and tidy ? Extremely Neat, Tidy And So Professional

Were you pleased with our service ? Delighted- Can\'t Praise Them Enough

Would you use us again ? Delighted- Can\'t Praise Them Enough

Would you recommend us ? Always

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Jude Barker

Date : 20 Feb 2017

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes

How did you find out about us ? Google

Were we neat and tidy ? Yes

Were you pleased with our service ? Yes

Would you use us again ? Yes

Would you recommend us ? Yes

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Brian Hann

Date : 15 Feb 2017

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes

How did you find out about us ? Google Search

Were we neat and tidy ? Yes

Were you pleased with our service ? Yes

Would you use us again ? Yes

Would you recommend us ? Yes

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Peter Hall

Date : 05 Feb 2017

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes Always Get A Rapid Response.

How did you find out about us ? Recommendations

Were we neat and tidy ? Extremely So, Automatically Removing Shoes Inside House Etc.

Were you pleased with our service ? As Always, You Guys Have Sorted Out Problems In A Friendly And Efficient Manner.

Would you use us again ? As Always, You Guys Have Sorted Out Problems In A Friendly And Efficient Manner.

Would you recommend us ? Absolutely.

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Andy_taylor

Date : 27 Jan 2017

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes

How did you find out about us ? Google Search

Were we neat and tidy ? Yes

Were you pleased with our service ? Yes

Would you use us again ? Yes

Would you recommend us ? Absolutely Yes

How do you rate us overall ?

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