ABC Aerials in Exeter

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Customer Testimonials

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Customer Testimonial

Name : Yasmin

Date : 02 Sep 2016

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes

How did you find out about us ? Internet & Previous Connections

Were we neat and tidy ? Yes

Were you pleased with our service ? Yes

Would you use us again ? Yes

Would you recommend us ? Yes

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Rjp

Date : 23 Aug 2016

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes Very

How did you find out about us ? Recommendation

Were we neat and tidy ? Yes

Were you pleased with our service ? Yes

Would you use us again ? Yes

Would you recommend us ? Absolutely

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : M Howard

Date : 18 Aug 2016

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes

How did you find out about us ? Website

Were we neat and tidy ? Yes

Were you pleased with our service ? Yes

Would you use us again ? Yes

Would you recommend us ? Yes

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Rob Gliddon

Date : 12 Aug 2016

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes

How did you find out about us ? Recommendation By Westward Exeter

Were we neat and tidy ? Yes

Were you pleased with our service ? Yes

Would you use us again ? Yes

Would you recommend us ? Yes

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Les

Date : 18 Jul 2016

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes

How did you find out about us ? They Did Next Door

Were we neat and tidy ? Yes

Were you pleased with our service ? Yes

Would you use us again ? Yes

Would you recommend us ? Yes

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Les

Date : 18 Jul 2016

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes

How did you find out about us ? They Did Next Door

Were we neat and tidy ? Yes

Were you pleased with our service ? Yes

Would you use us again ? Yes

Would you recommend us ? Yes

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Stuart Hallam

Date : 14 Jul 2016

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes

How did you find out about us ? Used You Before

Were we neat and tidy ? Always

Were you pleased with our service ? Extremely

Would you use us again ? Extremely

Would you recommend us ? Very Much So Yes!

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Shane And Jules

Date : 01 Jul 2016

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes - Call On Weds Pm Appt Fri Afternoon

How did you find out about us ? Recommendation

Were we neat and tidy ? Exceptionally

Were you pleased with our service ? Very. Couldn\'t Have Been Happier.

Would you use us again ? Very. Couldn\'t Have Been Happier.

Would you recommend us ? Absolutely - Already Have

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Hannah

Date : 15 Jun 2016

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes, Called On Monday Fitted New Aerial On Tuesday, Arrived On Time

How did you find out about us ? Word Of Mouth

Were we neat and tidy ? Yes, Left Inside And Out Clean And Tidy

Were you pleased with our service ? Yes

Would you use us again ? Yes

Would you recommend us ? Yes

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Sharon

Date : 07 Jun 2016

Were we easy to get hold of ? Very

How did you find out about us ? Google Search

Were we neat and tidy ? Very

Were you pleased with our service ? Extremely

Would you use us again ? Extremely

Would you recommend us ? Highly And Yes I Will!

How do you rate us overall ?

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