ABC Aerials in Exeter

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Customer Testimonials

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Customer Testimonial

Name : Lloyd

Date : 24 Oct 2014

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes and very reliable

How did you find out about us ? Internet

Were we neat and tidy ? Yes, without question.

Were you pleased with our service ? Very pleased with both te service and the positive advice given.

Would you use us again ? Yes

Would you recommend us ? Yes and i already have to our next door neighbour.

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Gavin

Date : 13 Oct 2014

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes.

How did you find out about us ? Word of mouth

Were we neat and tidy ? Yes

Were you pleased with our service ? Yes - even adapted the job on the day which meant extra work for you, but better result for me. prompt arrival for both job and \

Would you use us again ? Yes.

Would you recommend us ? Yes.

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Matthew Mcgahon

Website :

Date : 07 Oct 2014

Were we easy to get hold of ? Very

How did you find out about us ? Used your services many times

Were we neat and tidy ? Very

Were you pleased with our service ? Very pleased

Would you use us again ? Most definitely

Would you recommend us ? At every opportunity

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Ray Cavill

Date : 01 Oct 2014

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes

How did you find out about us ? Aware of work for adjoining houses

Were we neat and tidy ? Yes

Were you pleased with our service ? Yes, able to adjust requirements as needed

Would you use us again ? Yes

Would you recommend us ? Yes

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Marc Williams

Date : 16 Sep 2014

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes

How did you find out about us ? Personal recommendation

Were we neat and tidy ? Very

Were you pleased with our service ? Very

Would you use us again ? Yes

Would you recommend us ? Yes

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Kate Stroud

Date : 21 Aug 2014

Were we easy to get hold of ? Extremely easy

How did you find out about us ? Internet search

Were we neat and tidy ? Very

Were you pleased with our service ? Delighted! such a neat job so efficient, friendly & helpful.

Would you use us again ? Absolutely

Would you recommend us ? Definitely

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Ben

Date : 16 Aug 2014

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes

How did you find out about us ? Through google

Were we neat and tidy ? Yes, very

Were you pleased with our service ? Yes

Would you use us again ? Definitely

Would you recommend us ? Yes, they knew their stuff and were very thorough

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Martin

Date : 23 Jul 2014

Were we easy to get hold of ? Very responsive by e-mail

How did you find out about us ? Personal recommendation

Were we neat and tidy ? Very tidy work, and made amendments that we requested

Were you pleased with our service ? Excellent service. when we had some technical issues with the satellite receiver a year later, these were sorted very readily and promptly

Would you use us again ? Without hesitation

Would you recommend us ? Very happy to

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Penny

Date : 06 May 2014

Were we easy to get hold of ? Yes, extremely

How did you find out about us ? Friend recommended

Were we neat and tidy ? Yes, very

Were you pleased with our service ? Yes

Would you use us again ? Yes

Would you recommend us ? Already have!

How do you rate us overall ?

Customer Testimonial

Name : Tim

Date : 30 Apr 2014

Were we easy to get hold of ? Extremely - very prompt email replies!

How did you find out about us ? Internet search

Were we neat and tidy ? Very!

Were you pleased with our service ? Completely! pete and his son were extremely polite and even after being met with a few obstacles with wiring at my house they quickly suggested solutions and completed the work brilliantly. thank you!

Would you use us again ? Absolutely

Would you recommend us ? Most definitely

How do you rate us overall ?

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