ABC Aerials in Exeter

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Customer Testimonials

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Name :Joan Ditchburn

Were we easy to get hold of ? Very easy left a message and got back to me within an hour.

How did you find out about us ? Recommendation from a friend.

Were we neat and tidy ? Yes

Were you pleased with our service ? Yes ten out of ten thanks for a really neat job its a shame that the sky installer did not do his job right in the 1st place. thank you peter. joan

Would you use us again ? I have and i would again.

Would you recommend us ? You now they say you live and learn we had abc aerials around the 1st time to do a tv aerial and they done an excellent job however we had a satellite system installed by sky. and had to get peter out to re install it abc aerials may be a little bit more

How do you rate us overall ? (5 being the highest)