ABC Aerials in Exeter

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Customer Testimonials

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Name :Adele And Dave Stickland

Were we easy to get hold of ? Very easy to get hold of and very friendly

How did you find out about us ? Saw your van around and looked on your website.

Were we neat and tidy ? Very

Were you pleased with our service ? We were very happy with the service provided, thank you very much peter found an innovative way into the house and did not give up coming back on the two occasions in order to get it to his high standard very tenacious and extremely competent.

Would you use us again ? Yes

Would you recommend us ? I would highly recommend peter and his son, they were extremely professional, punctual and skilful. they were able to find a direct route into our house with minimum fuss and almost invisible wiring

How do you rate us overall ? (5 being the highest)